Presently, the company is providing three services which are IT – support, Visma Business consultation and cash register solutions for physical stores.
In the middle of 2018, the marketing department of iAdvice ApS ascertains that the amount of users on their website is growing and they need to provide a better user experience. This is caused by their observations that the users feel overwhelmed by the number of pages on the website and they are struggling to navigate through it. The website is a key in finding leads for iAdvice.The company wants to focus on bringing the value within the digital presence on all of their branches as well as providing satisfying user experience for their customers.
Stakeholder interviews were used as a tool to understand the company in depth. They were held informally with partners of the company and key employees. The insights which were gathered are referenced in this report in various chapters. The information was used in different parts of the design process.
More specifically the insights from the stakeholder interviews were used as a reference in proving what possible needs the user has and also aims to describe the behavior of the current customer base.
Conducting competitor research is beneficial to analyze what has worked well in the competitor’s companies and what has failed. The data has been collected through desk research and structured in the competitive analysis matrix tool which was designed to respond to the needs of this research. Since the company provides 3 services three anlysis were conducted with POS,IT and ERP competitors.
I had the opportunity to interview some of their existing clients as well as some potential clients. In order to create the questionnaire I took in consideration the goals of the digital product of iAdvice as well as the company values.
Conducting competitor research is beneficial to analyze what has worked well in the competitor’s companies and what has failed. The data has been collected through desk research and structured in the competitive analysis matrix tool which was designed to respond to the needs of this research
For the creation of the Personas an internal research in the form of a workshop has been held within the company. The data collected from interviews and target group segmentation in the earlier design process have been used as a reference during the workshop. As a result of the workshop four main personas have been created – The POS user, The IT user, The Visma Business user, and The All-in-one User.
In order to create CJM, a workshop has been held in the company. In the workshopparticipated key employees and one of the partners in iAdvice. The workshop was help by me and you can find more images below. There are two types of customers described in two different CJ maps.
As mentioned iAdvice has three unique services, however, it is more common, that the services are used separately than all together. This caused the use of a different approach for creating the value proposition.
Every service has been presented with a unique value proposition for the target group. At the end of this process, all of them are merged together into one main value proposition.
The insights gathered from the aforementioned methods and analysis are in the core of presenting a solution which will consist of a more automated digital experience for the user and the company. In order to bring value with the solution and analyze the customer gains and pains, Osterwalders’ Value Proposition Canvas was used.
From the Canvas, it becomes clear why and which services in the solution have to be developed in order to relief the customers’ pains.
In order to gain more data about the user behaviour and in order to conduct further AB testing, heat maps have been implemented in some pages of the current website of iAdvice as well as with the wireframes of the redesigned product. This tool was provided by Hotjar which a widely known platform, for testing different web pages.
Part of the design process I follow consists of low fidelity wireframing. I created some designs and I conducted A/B testing in order to find out which one the users favor.