
Mobile app which helps you
read data from various sensors in your home anywhere you are.

Step 1

Install your sensors

Step 2

Sign in

The sign in screen is made simple in a way any frustration from user side is avoided. It is of course very similar to many sign in faces for the same reason, we want the user to feel comfortable.

The colors of the buttons have some reasoning behind. I wanted to guide the new user with a button that is in a lighter color so it will bring more attention to it. However if the user is familiar with the app he/she will be aware where to look for the login button.

Or maybe you need to login

The login screen displays an image of the user that he has uploaded previously and all he needs to do is type in the password. Of course an option for switching user is provided or simple login with FaceID.

I have provided an option for the user who clicked here by mistake and needs to create an account.The user should not feel trapped in a screen. 

Step 3

Browse you data from the dashboard

You can read all your three sensors data from the dashboard.


The representation of the data of the temperature is out of the classic view people are used to. I decided to give it more creative touch in the bottom you see the timing and on the right you can scroll and degrees will appear depending on the timeframe you have chose.

Classic view of temperature

An idea of a feature is that people can of course browse the data in a much more simple way with a table view.


The humidity display is keeping the same design as the temperature one in order to follow the consistancy of the app.


The data for electricity is presented in a classic way but keeping the primary colors of the app and its consistency.


In the future more features will be available and I designed some onboarding example to project more data for electricity.

Step 4


The idea of only reading the data was not enough, I needed to bring purpose of this application. In order to create more value I had to think how it could possibly benefit me as a user.

Push notifications will provide the user with interesting insights such as facts about temerature, right amount of humidity, electricity reports in order to deliver real value. 

The user may be able to input data if there are kids in the house which will enhance the experience with providing data about what is best air/temperature/humidity environment for kids.